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Aslan Disability Law
Over the past 35 years, our attorneys have represented thousands of Social Security Disability and SSI claims for our clients in the Southern California. Unlike some impersonal “national Social Security Law Firms”, our lawyers concentrate solely on local Social Security Disability claims. We know what evidence local judges require to approve your claim. As a result, we have a track record of winning majority of our cases. We represent claims starting at the Initial Application stage all the way to the Administrative Hearing and the Appeals Council.
Why You Should Hire Us to Represent You:
Statistically, claimants who are represented have a better chance of winning their claim. While we can’t guarantee that a claimant will be awarded Social Security Disability or SSI benefits, we can guarantee that a case will be properly developed.
So what does being property “developed” mean. Basically, most SSDI and SSI claimants do not know how to properly and thoroughly prepare a disability case, whereas we have a high level of familiarity and expertise with the Social Security rules and regulations. Couple that with the fact that our Attorneys and staff have countless years of invaluable SSDI and SSI claim experience to lend to a claimant’s disability case. Given your condition, we tend to know what an analyst or judge will be looking for with a particular medical condition, and will know how to proceed to maximize your chances of winning.
Social Security Disability Benefits
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a disability program that pays monthly benefits to individuals who have worked long enough but are no longer able to work due to suffering from one or more chronic medical problems.
To qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits, you must have worked a certain number of years and have earned a enough number of work credits. Certain individuals, who have not worked long enough but would otherwise medically qualify, may instead apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

As is the case with any government process, professional help can make the critical difference between success and failure. A Social Security Disability Attorney, who is familiar with the Social Security benefits process, can protect you from making certain common errors that harm your chances of receiving benefits. This is why most individuals turn to Social Security Disability Advocacy to ensure that they have the maximum chance of being approved.
From the initial application to the hearing level and beyond, our Social Security Disability Attorneys understand how to present a case in the light most favorable to our clients. On the initial application, your Social Security Disability Attorney can offer advice on your alleged onset date of disability, argue that your condition meets one of the listed impairments under the rules and regulations, and help you focus on the facts that will be most persuasive to Social Security. If your case gets to a hearing, we may collect and submit relevant medical evidence, obtain an opinion from your treating physician(s), draft a detailed brief to the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), and prepare you for questions at the hearing. Lastly we may also elicit helpful testimony from you and cross-examine the Vocational or Medical Experts to substantiate your claim.